She’s back? It was a crazy wedding season! And we have lots to share in the coming weeks… but I thought I would get back into the blogging swing of things on a personal note. As professional photographers, we sometimes get so caught up in our work that we sometimes forget to slow down and take the time to document the really important things in our own lives. The off-season is a great time to take some just-for-fun projects off of the back burner. This is one I’ve been wanting to do for awhile. Meet Katy, or “Mama Kate” as we call my grandmother. Yesterday was her 94th birthday, so I thought what better time to head up to Holland for a visit and to take that portrait of her I’ve been wanting to take for so long. The night before, my four-year-old daughter said to me “Mom, did you know I have five grandmas?” And she’s right, two grandmothers and three living great-grandmothers. What a privilege for a little girl to have three generations of strong women before her to look up to. I, too, had the honor of knowing my own great-grandmother who lived to be 110 and cherish the memories I have of the time spent with her. Happy 94th Mama Kate!